🖥️Software FAQ
Who is Sentinel3 for?Is Sentinel3 a wallet?Is Sentinel3 an antivirus?Do I need to connect my wallet to use Sentinel3?On how many devices/wallets does my license work? Does it work with a VPN?Can Sentinel3 move my crypto/NFTs?Will Sentinel3 slow me down?Does it work on mobile?How do I know if Sentinel3 is activated and working for me?Does Sentinel3 scan every website I visit?Is it good for Sentinel3 to scan every Web3 site?I opened a Web3 site but didn't see Sentinel3 scanning it. Why?I got a red/yellow popup. What should I do?Sentinel3 alerted a site and I believe it shouldn't haveI got a red popup and closed the site. What happens if I access it again?Sentinel3 didn't alert me to a malicious site I visited. What should I do?Does Sentinel3 work if I use other Web3 security extensions?Does Sentinel3 work when transacting directly from a contract?If I use Sentinel3, does it mean I'm 100% safe from all scams?What kind of Web3 scams exist, and which ones does Sentinel3 protect me from?Are there any signatures that Sentinel3 doesn't scan?Does a hardware wallet protect me from scams?If I lose my crypto/NFTs because Sentinel3 didn't detect a malicious site, will you reimburse me?
Last updated